Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kali and Sarah's new haircuts

Before Haircuts

After haircuts. 


Rachel McEwen said...

VERY CUTE!!! i always liked sarah's hair short, and kali looks so much like you!! CUTE!!

The Small Bevell Bunch said...

The girls look soo cute and I can't wait to everyone this weekend! Drive Safe

HawgWildinWashington said...

Wow. They look much older! I loooove it. Sarah's hair looks very cute short, and I am sure it will be much easier to take care of. Remember when we had to get our haircuts reallllly short when we went to Mississippi that one summer. I swore I would never do that to my child. Well, now that I have one and with how much she hates to take care of her hair, I totally could do it :)

Brittany said...

Your girls are so pretty! I love the haircuts! Sarah's is really cute in the back... They're going to be little heart breakers! Look out boys! I hope your drive to Vegas goes well!

Sherrie said...

I love Kali and Sarah's haircuts. The only down side is they look so much older. You are going to have to lock them up to keep the boys away. They are too cute!!!!!

Robin said...

Their haircuts are so great! I love them.

Losinthisdangfat said...

Sonya, I LOVE their haircuts! They are so cute!
I h ope that you all are having fun in vegas!