Friday, April 25, 2008

Each day after I take Kole to school, I park at the H.S., and run up and down these stairs 16 times.  
I started with 10 and slowly have added more.  
This is an awesome work out, 73 stairs up and 73 
stairs down.  It has been very convinenent, Stella is a 
sleep in the van.


Rachel McEwen said...

I don't envy you....that is ALOT of stairs!

HawgWildinWashington said...

Personally, I think you are a little nuts. You could get in the same exercise running up and down your drive way to the road chasing babies :)

Unknown said...

how pretty! I would love to be around so many flowers! I am finally getting around to your reply on the picture collage. I collage my pictures using picasso. I downloaded it on the internet for free. You select whatever photos you want holding down the "ctrl" button and clicking on them with your mouse. Then push the "collage" button on picasso.

Robin said...

Go Sonya! I was all proud of myself for my little workouts. Nope, gotta step it up!

Brittany said...

Sonya you rock! I think running stairs is so hard!

Losinthisdangfat said...

That's a good idea SOnya! I want to do that with ya sometime!
We should start doing some exercise together, I think that would be alot of fun!

Losinthisdangfat said...

Hi Sonya! How are ya!
I did those stairs the other day, and they were SO HARD! I could REALLY feel it in my legs!
But it was a great leg workout!